2016-2017 Economic Forecast With Angelos Angelou And Keynote Speaker John E. Silvia, Chief Economist

January 26 at the Long Center


July 29, 2015 (Austin, TX)Long Center Presents proudly announces the first annual Economic Forecast with local economist Angelos Angelou, and national economist John E. Silvia, Ph.D., Managing Director and Chief Economist with Wells Fargo; January 26 at the Long Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets go on sale August 25th.

Austin’s Creative Home eagerly invites Austin business and community leaders for what has become the premiere networking event of the year, the 2016-2017 AngelouEconomics Austin Forecast, Tuesday, January 26, from 7:00AM- 10:30AM. Keynote speaker John E. Silvia, Ph.D., Managing Director and Chief Economist with Wells Fargo will focus on the Economics and the Credit Cycle: An Evolution over Time.

“Austinites and Texans will continue to receive the most accurate forecast!  We will look at the challenges and opportunities that Austin faces as one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S.  This is a chance for individuals to plan for their business in healthcare, hospitality, construction, engineering, and technology and to learn about new exciting opportunities available in Austin’s Economy”, said Angelou, chief economist at AngelouEconomics.

“For the U.S., the outlook for the year ahead is characterized by a split level economy. Consumer spending, housing and government spending will exhibit positive trends net exports will be a drag.  Inflation will rise gradually and remain below the Fed’s 2% target level over the next four quarters. The Fed is expected to raise the federal funds rate at a gradual pace while the yield curve will flatten over the period ahead. Better U.S. growth and an increase in the funds rate will both tend to raise the dollar further against the Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar. Corporate profit gains will be limited by slow global growth and the stronger dollar.  Financial markets do face the risk of heightened volatility as the election year begins in the first half of 2016,” said John E. Silvia, Chief Economist with Wells Fargo.

Don’t miss this exciting event. Be a part of this opportunity to network with business leaders and find out what’s in store for Central Texas and the U.S. Economy.  To register, visit TheLongCenter.org or call (512) 474-5664 for more information.


The Long Center is Austin’s Creative Home, built “by the community, for the community.” The organization is primarily funded by private citizens and corporations and by nature understands the importance of giving. As a non-profit, the Long Center collaborates with community partners to sponsor educational programs, host free events on the City Terrace, subsidize rental costs for emerging art groups, and gift tickets to charitable and community-minded organizations. The Long Center also provides the best overall live entertainment experience of any venue in Austin. It is home to the Symphony, Opera and Ballet and boasts additional eclectic programming spanning diverse audiences. A commitment to acoustic excellence combined with exceptional theater site lines and an unparalleled outdoor view of Austin creates a magical experience and lasting memories.  Austinites of all ages and interests are invited to explore the Long Center to expand their cultural perspective and appreciation of the arts. For more information, please visit here or call (512) 474-LONG (5664) for ticket information. 

Media Inquiries:

Wendi Reichstein, Public Relations/Social Media


Office: (512) 457-5119

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