IEDC Annual Conference 2012: Discussing Economic Development’s Hottest Topics in the Bayou City

It’s that time of year again! The annual IEDC conference is just around the corner, and this year will be held in AE’s home state of Texas.  AngelouEconomics will be meeting with other industry leaders and will be presenting several of the most important new trends in economic development. So what’s on our minds this year? Data centers, renewable energy and the future of economic development.

We look forward to the IEDC annual conference because it is a great time to talk with economic development’s biggest leaders and up-and-comers about the biggest issues of the day and, not to mention, catch up with old friends.

If you are going to be in Houston for this year’s conference, make sure you listen in on AE’s Founder and CPO, Angelos Angelou, as he serves as a panelist for the session entitled “Empowering Tomorrow: Economic Development Through Renewable Energy.”

Whether the conference is on your calendar or not, let us know if you plan on being in Houston between September 30th and October 3rd and let’s set a meeting to talk about your upcoming projects. We’d love to hear from you.

See you there!

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