Angelos’ Analysis on Employment Makes International Impression

The analysis and observations that AngelouEconomics founder Angelos Angelou made during his annual forecast event led to an interview that was picked up by numerous news outlets, including many international groups. The observation that the projected Dell layoffs could be absorbed by Apple and other major tech firms seemed to resonate across the board. It is a prediction that is squarely supported by the recent statistic that Texas has surpassed California as the leading technology exporter in the US. And though there are major industry players throughout the state, including Texas Instruments in Dallas, the Central Texas/Austin area has seen expansive growth and investment in recent years totalling a higher impact than the Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio regions combined, and this diversified growth also shows no signs of stopping. However it seemed that the revalation that Apple’s expanding presence has the potential to offset and absorb many of the forthcoming Dell cuts was apparently the tantalizing detail that created the international buzz.

In the end it is merely a sign that the strengthening economy has the capacity to withstand the necessary re-organizations that are occuring in the tech sector. That is a good thing, because on another front it was also revealed that Apple is now globally outselling all PC manufacturers combined.

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