ArticlesMiscellaneous A New Way to Talk About Small Business: The Time Has Come for a Common Language There is a steady call for policies and programs to help small business lead the…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesMiscellaneous Health-Care Policy as Urban Policy: Hospitals and Community Development in the Postindustrial City This paper seeks to explore urban hospital policy, its history, and, in particular, the contradictions,…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesEntrepreneurship The Community Reinvestment Act and Small Business Lending in Low- and Moderate-Income Neighborhoods Over the last three years, the financial crisis and ensuing recession have led to tectonic…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesRegional Strategies CDFIs and Transit-Oriented Development Transit-oriented development (TOD) can provide households with more opportunities and choices. Ideal TOD communities are…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesInternational Do Natural Resources Support Economic Growth? The management of natural resources is important for all countries, but perhaps especially so for…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesWorkforce and Education American Made The manufacturing sector is stronger than you might think — but new vulnerabilities are emergingRead…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesMiscellaneous Economic Growth: Two Possible Paths While the recession of 2007-2009 has been officially over for roughly two years, the American…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesMiscellaneous Benefits and Burdens of Expanded Military Bases Many military bases in the Fifth District are expanding as a result of the 2005…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesRegional Strategies Chattanooga’s Visioning Process Promoting civic engagement regionally is as overwhelming as it is nebulous. Planning agencies, government programs,…AEJune 29, 2012
ArticlesRegional Strategies Wisconsin Poverty Report: Were Antipoverty Policies Effective in 2009? Economic need has grown in Wisconsin over the past few years as the effects of…AEJune 29, 2012