In 2011, the Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation (PCEDC) hired AngelouEconomics to develop an Economic Development Strategic Plan to guide Pottawatomie County’s economic development efforts. Pottawatomie County has experienced sustained population and economic growth over the last decade thanks in large part to its steadily growing healthcare and education industry and a vibrant manufacturing sector. The county has also benefited from the health of the broader Manhattan region’s economy, anchored by the region’s two largest employers (Kansas State University and Fort Riley). Pottawatomie County has reached a critical juncture in its history in which its biggest challenge is to continue its economic development success and fully capitalize its regional asset base. A number of opportunities provide potential for high-quality economic growth in Pottawatomie County including Kansas State University, the continued growth of Manhattan, the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (or NBAF, which is a $650 million federal research facility), the county’s central U.S. location, the Animal Health Corridor (which includes the Greater Kansas City area from Manhattan, KS to Columbia, MO), and the county’s scenic/cultural resources.
Over a seven-month period, AngelouEconomics partnered with the PCEDC to develop a strategic plan based on Pottawatomie County’s unique challenges and opportunities. The plan was developed collaboratively with public and private sector leaders from Pottawatomie County and throughout the Manhattan metropolitan region. Target industries include: Biotechnology, Healthcare & Education, Advanced Manufacturing, Agri-business, and Tourism & Recreation. Recommendations are organized around eight specific goal areas and include over 100 individual strategies and action items. Special emphasis is placed on strategies that maximize the economic development potential of Kansas State University and support Pottawatomie County’s emerging biotechnology industry.
Project Deliverables included:
- Market Assessment and SWOT Analysis
- Target Industry Analysis
- Reverse Site Selection
- Cost of Operations Models
- Action Strategy and Final Recommendations
- Implementation Matrix